How to Pick a Budget

How to Pick a Budget

The amount of money you should spend on online advertising for a book you are marketing can vary depending on several factors, including your overall budget, the competitiveness of your target audience, and your marketing objectives. Here are some considerations to help you determine an appropriate budget.


Consider your overall marketing budget and how much you can allocate specifically to online advertising.  

Target Audience

Understand your target audience and their online behavior. While normally you would have to research their demographics, interests, and online platforms they frequent—Ingram iD has done this work for you.

Advertising Platform

Popular options for book marketing services include social media advertising (e.g., Facebook), search engine advertising (e.g., Google Ads), and email marketing platforms (e.g., iD DedicatedEmails). With Ingram iD, you can reach all these platforms from one easy to user interface.

Advertising Goals

Define your marketing objectives. Are you aiming to increase book sales, boost brand awareness, or grow your email list? Different objectives may require different level of budget commitment.

Testing and Optimization

We recommend start with a smaller budget and test different ads for 30 days to see what works best. Once you identify successful campaigns, allocate more of your budget towards those. Ingram iD allows you to easily CLONE ads that work well and focus your money on those.

Seasonality and Timing

Consider the seasonality of your book and any upcoming events or holidays that could affect your target audience's purchasing behavior. Adjust your budget accordingly to maximize the impact of your advertising during peak periods.

Long-term vs. Short-term Goals

Decide whether you want to focus on short-term promotion or if you have a long-term marketing strategy in mind. This can influence how much you're willing to spend on advertising.


Remember that online advertising is just one aspect of marketing a book. It's essential to have a well-rounded marketing plan that includes other promotional activities like social media engagement, email marketing, book signings, and collaborations with influencers or book bloggers.

In conclusion, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to how much money you should spend on online advertising for a book. Evaluate your specific circumstances, goals, and resources to determine an appropriate budget that aligns with your marketing objectives.