Advertising on Ingram iD

Advertising on Ingram iD

Ingram iD offers users easy access to some of the most effective digital advertising avenues around. With Ingram iD, you can quickly and easily advertise your book via Facebook, Google Search, Google Display, and by creating a unique email flyer to consumers. While simplicity is one of the hallmarks of iD, more importantly you also have exclusive access to our Verified Reader audiences. These reader audiences are available ONLY in Ingram iD!

Service Options

Creating an ad campaign in Ingram iD is significantly easier than navigating the complex structures of the ad platforms directly. In iD, you have easy setup – but with the powerful targeting you can only get here.



Our Facebook service offering allows you to quickly target all relevant Verified Reader audiences for your book. You can choose to insert your book cover as the primary image, or upload an image you have created.  Check out our Facebook Ad checklist.


iD offers both Google Display and Google Search advertising. The main difference between Google search ads vs display ads is that search ads are a form of “pull” advertising while display ads are “push” advertising. That is, search ads only appear to those who are already searching for your product or service, while display ads are paid placements that appear based on various targeting parameters. Check out our Google Ad checklist.

Google Display

Google Display ads use a combination of image and text to promote your product.Display ads appear across the entire “Google Display Network” — which includes over2 million websites reaching over 90% of online users. They can also show in social media, such as natively in news feeds or on the side of the main feed.

Google Search

Google search advertising is one of the most popular forms of advertising in which brands pay (using an auction-based model) to have their ads displayed above and below organic search engine results when users search certain keywords. There are no images in Google Search ads, so the two elements of the ad are critically important—the advertising copy (the words you use),and the keywords you select. Keywords are words that Google will use to decide if your ad is relevant to show in a search result.

Dedicated Emails

Our email service option is unique to Ingram iD – offering our users the ability to easily create a beautiful email with just a few clicks. The email can feature up to five titles, using cover images and book descriptions.We also have space for two banner ads and place for additional editorial. Our email offering is currently offered in our Women’s Fiction, Thriller/Suspense, Poetry and Romance audiences. For more information on Dedicated Emails, click here to learn more.


Identify Your Target Audience

Understand who your book's target audience is. You can do this by looking at the BISACs of the book and matching to our Ingram iD audiences– or by using your own knowledge of the content and who is most likely to engage with it. Targeting your audience is important to the success of your ad. Select only relevant targets to your product.


Once they Click… where do they go?

Before you start advertising, ensure you have link to a landing page or product page where users can either further engage with your content OR buy the title. Many users of iD link to their product detail page of either their own website, or to a major retailer that offers shipping to the user. The choice is yours.


Analyzing Results

Once your ad is complete, you can review theClicks/Impressions in iD. Each of these has their own unique value—depending on your overall goal. Impressions are the people who saw your ad. Clicks are the people who engaged and ‘clicked’ on the ad and went to your landing page or product page. Impressions are important in marketing for awareness—clicks are important for sales. The number of impressions a campaign generates is also one of the simplest ways to ascertain how far an advertising channel really reaches.

For more information, check out our Getting Started guide.